Contact Us

We can be reached Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST. We are closed for various holidays and the week between Christmas and New Years. If we are here after hours, and we often are, we will answer the phone. Our phones are always answered by trained staff; you will never get an operator, receptionist, or voice mail. After hours, our answering machine will allow you to leave a message.

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
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Horton Brasses
645 Lancaster Pike
New Providence, PA 17560

Text Us: 1-860-300-2494

Call Us: 1-860-635-4400

Email Us:

This company is in business to solve our customers’ problems just as much as it is in business to sell hardware. Between us, we have seen hundreds of innovative solutions that our customers have come up with; one might be for a problem just like yours. We can give you specific details about the hardware, and sometimes we can suggest different combinations that may not be in the catalog.

You are welcome to send us photos of hardware you are trying to match. You can send photos by mail or email. Send email to (jpg, pdf, or tif format only please).

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