For years, we custom made table spiders as the need arose. But Tom Witzig said, " Why can't you make them in a more economical way, making more at once in standard size?" Well, of course we could. He helped us choose sizes by telling us his experiences and one of the blacksmiths developed the ability to make table spiders quickly and for a reasonable price.
Used on 3 and 4 legged table bases, table spiders add strength and help prevent the legs from splaying. As tables age, the dovetails shrink and the legs can become more mobile than when they were first built - then the use of a spider table base becomes very important.
The legs of the spiders are long, so that if you wish to hammer yours to follow the inside contour of the leg, you will have plenty of length to work with. If you don't need the extra length, you can cut the leg off the spider table base past the first screw hole. Raw iron finish, supplied with screws.
TS-5 is the right size for a candle stand or a tip table, and even smaller pedestal base tables. From the center hole, the legs are 5" long and 1/4" wide at the narrowest point.
TS-6 is the right size for a large pedestal base, such as those used in large dining room tables. From the center hole, the legs are 6" long and 1/2" wide at the narrowest point.
Do you need a different size for your spider table base? Provide a pattern and we will make one to your specs. Please contact Orion when placing custom orders.